Job Seeker Services

Employability Skills Workshops

Government Skills for Success Model

The Government of Canada has defined and promoted nine core skills which are essential to success within a wide cross-section of workplaces. It is important for job seekers and employees to be keenly aware of these nine skills, as it may be helpful in situations such as writing cover letters and resumes, attending interviews, and identifying opportunities for personal growth. It is also helpful to carefully consider how you may have already used these skills in your various workplace, volunteer and life roles!

Workplace Boundaries & Breaches

Understanding and maintaining healthy boundaries in a workplace is often easier said than done. First, it is important for a company to have clear expectations and definitions to provide to their workforce, and it is equally important for employees to be aware of the importance of boundaries and how often times, they are breached either accidentally or deliberately. In this session, we will take a structured look at various categories of workplace boundary breaches, as well as take the opportunity to discuss a few situations to reinforce the topic.

Workplace Culture

  • Adjusting successfully to a new workplace requires an understanding of the unique culture, which develops and exists within a company.
  • What are some of the key values held by a company? How satisfied or discontent is the workforce, on average? This type of information helps you to adapt more seamlessly into a company’s existing workplace culture as well as ensuring your remain observant for signs of dysfunction.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The term DIVERSITY is a common buzzword in the employment world. Many job postings include a reference to ‘diversity’ when promoting their company culture. But what does this actually mean? And how does the word diversity align with the concepts of Equity and Inclusion. In this workshop, you will learn the relationship between the three words. And here is a thought to ponder.  How often do businesses, management and employees fall short in an actual workplace of achieving true diversity, equity and inclusion? By becoming more aware of what these terms actually mean and how they are inter-connected, you can contribute towards building a healthier, accepting and open-minded work atmosphere.  

Key Principles & Process of Communication

We often take the ability to communicate for granted. In reality, it truly does take skill and conscientious effort to effectively and respectfully interact with those around us. In this two-hour workshop, you will learn more about some of the key principles you should keep top of mind. This workshop will also cover the topic of how communication is both proactive and reactive and requires a sincere effort, attentiveness and an open mind! Enhancing your knowledge and competency in this area will serve you well in a workplace!

Building Your Communications Toolkit

It is one thing to appreciate the importance of communicating effectively, but how exactly do you accomplish that, especially in situations that prove to be a little more challenging? We have all had those awkward or difficult conversations! In this two-hour workshop, we will delve in to a few strategies to help you more effectively navigate challenging interactions, while maintaining your composure. At interviews, employers often ask prospective job candidates a question or two about how they deal with a difficult situation, customer or coworker.  Gain confidence in how to respond with confidence by building a more comprehensive communications toolkit.

Refining Your Customer Service Approach

Customer service is more than a job title, or at least it should be! Do you and your coworkers treat each other with support and respect? This is a form of ‘internal’ customer service. Do you interact with each customer as if he or she is valued and appreciated? And do you handle the inevitable challenging customer with professionalism and objectivity? This falls under the umbrella of ‘external’ customer service. As a representative of the company for whom you work, your role is integral in terms of your interactions with both customers and fellow workers. Join this workshop focused on optimizing customer service in a workplace.  

Time & Organizational Management

The ability to develop and apply good organizational skills will help you to be more focused and productive during the hours you are paid to work. Realistically, it is not really about time management; it is about your ‘personal management’ skills.  So being organized, the ultimate goal, requires a range of skills, such as the ability to plan, prioritize, and maintain focus, while also being able to shift gears to address changing demands. Do you already possess these skills and have the evidence to prove it?  Or is this an area of personal growth that you can add to your to-do list! By the way, a to-do list is a handy organizational management tool!

Personality Dimensions in the Workplace

Do you ever find that workplaces are like dysfunctional families? Typically, there is a broad mix of values, interests, objectives, differences of opinion and yes, different personalities thrown into the mix. It is no wonder some workdays are so stressful! Completing a Personality Dimensions workshop serves two core purposes. One, it is an opportunity to discover more about yourself within the framework of a well-known and trusted assessment provider. Next, and equally important, it is a chance to learn about others with whom you work and hopefully improve workplace relationships and even job performance. Actually, there is a third benefit as well … you can add it as a training module to your resume!

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Often times, job candidates are so focused on proving they have the technical skills for a job (i.e., processing transactions, running equipment, using software programs), that they fail to take into consideration the importance of some key qualities and capabilities in demand by employers. That is the value of hiring someone who exhibits Emotional Intelligence (EQ). EQ involves capabilities such as self-regulation, as well as the ability to cope with team and customer relationships with maturity, respect and empathy. Learn more about Emotional Intelligence and perhaps think about how you have demonstrated this important intelligence within your workplaces and roles!

Smart Goal Setting

We often have wonderful ‘pie in the sky’ ideas of how we want our lives to be. However, without a concrete plan as well as manageable and achievable steps, we often fail to act on our vision.  Or we do not do so effectively.  This workshop is an overview of a well-established goal setting and personal management tool. Understanding and applying the SMART acronym in your work and personal life will help you to organize, plan and follow-through on goals that you set for yourself.  Why not make your vision and goals a reality by being SMART!

Skills Identification

Dig Deep into Skills Identification! How many skills do you think you can offer to an employer? 5? 10? 25? Think again! The number of skills we have each developed and can contribute to a workplace is much more extensive than we often realize. In reality, the average person has up to 800 skills and capabilities. This knowledge will increase your confidence, improve your interview skills, and make you more aware of your potential within a workplace! Start your journey of self-discovery by identifying the fascinating range of skills you have acquired throughout your lifetime by attending this highly relevant workshop

Basic Digital Literacy

In the Choose Your Journey program we offer a Digital Literacy component to help familiarize clients with an ever-evolving electronic world. Over our six-week program, we cover basics for clients who have beginner and limited computer experience.

This micro course touches on:

  • Explaining what Digital Literacy really is
  • Learning how to be safer online during our Digital Security presentation
  • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel tutorials
  • An introduction to a typing tutor
  • Social media and marketing tips

Facilitators take a hands-on and individualized approach to assist all clients, regardless of their knowledge and ability to become more confident and competent in the digital world. This quick starter course can kick-start your new, improved computer skills along your employment journey!

Food Handler’s Certificate 

If you want to work in food service or food production industries, a Food Handler’s Certificate is not only an asset, but also often a job requirement! It is also helpful for many volunteer roles. 

Do not read a job posting with anticipation, only to find out you are missing this important job criteria!

Problem-Solving & Decision-Making

Wouldn’t it be nice if every day of our lives went smoothly?  Actually, perhaps that might also be a little boring!  When encountering challenges, it is important to approach and ‘respond’ to situations thoughtfully and reasonably, rather than from an emotionally triggered and ‘reactive’ point of view.  We will look at some processes and strategies which may be helpful in assuring you take a ‘respond versus react’ approach to problem-solving and decision-making!

Stress Management

An inability to cope with workplace and life struggles can lead to productivity issues, job satisfaction, and even health related issues. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to identify and consider the roots of your stress, the type of symptoms you may routinely exhibit, as well as to develop a toolkit of strategies that will help you to better manage the stressors you experience on the job.

Embrace the Leader Within

This is a great confidence building workshop, but it also and opportunity to learn about and reflect upon the leadership capabilities you have already demonstrated, often which fly under the radar!  We will also look into ideas and options to further develop your untapped leadership potential. Often times, employees have assumed duties which require a significant level of responsibility, but they are not regarded as leadership qualities or duties.  We want to change that! Learn to advocate for yourself for future positions with confidence and enhanced self-awareness.