WERC Workshops

Choose Your Journey Program

Join our innovative and interactive workshop series where you choose the path that’s best for you! Our core components include:

Community Speaker Series 

Join us for a series of amazing guest speakers from a variety of local partners. Learn what’s available to you in our community!

Speakers include:

  • Thames Valley District School Board (Literacy Connections)
  • DART (Identifying Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace)
  • Oxford Community Health Care
  • Canadian Mental Health Association
  • Victorian Order of Nurses
  • Fanshawe College
  • SouthWest Community Health Line

Computer Skills Development

In today’s world, familiarly with computers and computer software is becoming more of an essential skill and an employer expectation.  It is also crucial to know how to navigate the internet for your job search. Join us to enhance your knowledge of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, Internet usage and typing.

Food Handler’s Certification

If you want to work in food service or food production, a Food Handler’s Certificate is a job requirement! Let us help you obtain this valuable certification.